This is a blog about the journey to become an emergency medicine physician.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Bad signout

I think I had my worst signout last night. It was an elderly lady who had a fall and fractured her shoulder. Ortho saw and slung her and she was about to go out the door when her daughter complained she couldn't stand and she would need to be admitted. I asked if she normally had this issue since she had a cane at the bedside.

This caused the daughter to blow up and yell that the cane was because of her glaucoma.

Then the lady does a puffy cheek, vague look and I call the nurse over to help get her into bed. I go to discuss this with the attending who was in the room and didn't come over to help.

Then I return to evaluate and the daughter calls me "dense" and says she doesn't want me on the case. I was about to just walk away from them when the attending comes by and says I am a great doctor and this is an emergency room and I will be her doctor.

So I was stuck. The lady was actually ok. Her daughter was only somewhat helpful on the reeval and after I asked 3 times, only showed me 3 of the meds this lady was on, hiding 1 of them which added to her being a little bradycardic.

So we fed the lady and she still wouldn't move and I admitted her for weakness.


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