This is a blog about the journey to become an emergency medicine physician.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

1st official orientation day

The week of the real EM orientation month started well and breakfast and lunch were included. We began the morning with 2 activities ordained by our residency director. First he asked us to compare thumb sizes and line up in order of size. Then he compared height to thumb size.

The next activity was a little more engaging. We had to meet everyone and ask them for a similarity and difference.

There were such examples of differences such as one liking Queens better than Manhattan, one having a wife who is pregnant, one who plays golf, one who is NOT a coffee snob, one who grew up in NJ, one who likes mainstream music, one who prefers the bus to IKEA, one who previously had stitches to the left hand, one who visited China and Japan, one who thought speed dating was cool, one who preferred Adidas, one bad at inlining, one who owned a house, and one who preferred spas to relax.

Examples of similiarities included enjoying yoga, being married, liking concerts, liking NYSC, preferring lounges to bars, liking all foods, going to starbucks in the AM, playing tennis, living in a small apartment, being married to a non-medical person, thinking the Eiffel tower is overrated, enjoying travel and Harlem, speaking German, and needing breakfast in the morning.

Our RD is a very cool guy and I liked his activities. It will be interesting to watch how he shapes our future experiences.


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