This is a blog about the journey to become an emergency medicine physician.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Hell no! We won't go!

Top 10 reasons patients are still in the ward in the AM after you left thinking they would be discharged

1. Some dumb paperwork error
2. The nurses changed shifts and the new nurse didn't know the patient was pending discharge
3. Doctor forgot to put in the order to discharge
4. Healthy patient without relevant medical history for it, experiences sudden onset chest pain and shortness of breath
5. Patient's ride didn't show up
6. Some obscure lab abnormality was noted which can't be explained away
7. The home health aid reinstatement didn't happen
8. Patient with no psych history suddenly experiences a psychotic breakdown
9. Vascular access stopped working
10. Patient is undocumented or uninsured and shouldn't have been sent home and this was caught by the social worker
11. They don't want to go because they either don't have A/C or a heater at home.


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