This is a blog about the journey to become an emergency medicine physician.

Friday, September 15, 2006

High tech already dx

A patient presented with R lower extremity pain on ambulation and erythema over the majority of his anterior lower leg. At first I was considering DVT vs thrombophlebitis, but then my exam didn't fit that. He had pain to plantar flexion and relief with dorsiflexion. In addition the R leg was a little colder than the L leg. Upon further questioning the family had already done a workup in Equator and gave me a USB stick.

I went to a computer and viewed the arteriogram they had given me. Next I sought out a radiology expert who was very happy that I could explain to him how to get the MPEG on the USB stick working on his computer.

The patient had filling defects the inferior patellar to a little superior to the malleoli with peroneal preservation.

I handed over the USB stick to the surgeons and told them that they would find their film right next to the family's school essay on history.


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